Contact Me

Sam Millard
1353 Vandette Road, Kimberley
British Columbia, V1A 3K5
(250) 602 - 9323 (cell phone)
Giving Back
As an artist, I get many requests to contribute to donations and fundraisers. While most are for worth while causes I would like to support whole heartedly, I am unable to donate to them all. I would find myself bankrupt at the end of the year!
Each year, I set a donation budget and happily donate within it. I review each request on a case by case basis. The more local and specific, the better.
If my annual donation budget has already been spoken for, you are welcome to apply the following calendar year.
If you are reaching out to me for a donation, please email me or fill in the contact form with the following information
1. The charity or cause the donation is for
2. The community where the money will be spent
3. Who/how it specifically benefits the person(s)/community and if possible, what exactly the money will be spent on.
4. If it's an auctioned item, how many people do you expect to attend your event, is it ticketed?
5. If it's an auctioned item, can I set a minimum bid and if the bid is not met, what happens to the donation?
6. Is this an annual fundraiser or a one off?
​The more information you can give me, the better!